Grigory Yaroslavtsev bio photo

Grigory Yaroslavtsev

Assistant Professor of Computer Science, George Mason University.

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Two events that might be of interest to the readers of this blog are happening on the East Coast next week.

On Monday–Wednesday (Aug 24–26) a conference on big data is taking palce at Harvard. This looks like a very exciting event with broad representation of research from different areas including a lot of theory and algorithms.

On Thursday–Friday (Aug 27–28) DIMACS at Rutgers will host a workshop on sublinear algorithms and big data which will be more focused on the algorithmic questions. As an organizer, I would like to remind that the early registration and poster submission deadlines for this workshop are tomorrow (Aug 20). Note, that in many cases for local researchers, students and postdocs affiliated with partners of DIMACS the registration fee can be either significantly reduced or waived.

We are hoping to see some of you at this workshop!