This Friday we had the official kickoff event for the new Center for Algorithms and Machine Learning here at IU. Huge thanks to my wonderful co-director David Crandall whose wisdom and support have been instrumental in forming CAML!
This has been in the works since the day I accepted an offer from IU almost two years ago (some things at universities take longer than you might expect). Also thanks to our board members, both internal (Dirk van Gucht, Richard Shiffrin, Haixu Tang, Stanley Wasserman) and external (John Langford, Edo Liberty, Vahab Mirrokni, Maxim Sviridenko) for their advice and readiness to serve. Quite a few other people were involved behind the scenes, thanks to everyone!
Among other things we have a postdoc position open.
Photo credits: David Crandall and Michael S. Ryoo.